Cyprus Chefs Association - Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Τουρισμού

Monday, September 30, 2019

Press Release

The Cyprus Chef’s Association celebrated its 25th anniversary on Friday, September 27th, celebrating symbolically the World Tourism Day as well. The gala dinner was hosted at Four Seasons Hotel in Limassol. The CCA board honored its founding members and journey alongside distinguished guests who have contributed to the association’s journey so far.

World Tourism Day is determined by World Tourism Organization to be celebrated every year on September 27th and its main purpose, is to highlight the gastronomic, economic, social, cultural and political contribution of tourism of the international community.

The Cyprus Chefs Association (C.C.A.) was founded in 1994 and is a professional and non-profit organization. This year celebrates its 25th anniversary and its main goal remains the same, to unite all chefs, cookers and pastry chefs from all over the Cyprus in a common commitment – to professional excellence.

In 1996 the Cyprus Chefs Association became a member of the World Chefs Association and in 2001 established the first national culinary team, so that it could represent our country at all international culinary festivals and events. Our country has three national cooking teams, the National team, the Junior Team and the Regional team. All teams consist of acclaimed chefs with experience and knowledge in the field of gastronomy. The teams so far took part in 4 Olympiads and in 5 World Cups, winning a total of 40 gold, 123 silver and 46 bronze medals, both in team and individual formats.

Mr. George Damianou, president of the Cyprus Chef’s Association, in his speech talked about the progress and the development of the association until now and he thanked warmly all chefs who serve faithfully the gastronomy and tourism industry of our country, as well as all its contributors.

Also, he mentioned that the association has set very high standards for the Cypriot cuisine and the Association’s goal remains to continue the successful work in order to develop the gastronomy sector in Cyprus as well as the establishment of academy dedicated to the Mediterranean cuisine and nutrition.

The dinner was hosted at the Four Seasons Hotel in Limassol where guests had the chance to enjoy delicious dishes created by hotel’s chef.

The speaker of the house of representatives Dimitris Syllouris, the tourism deputy minister, Savvas Perdios, members, mayors and presidents of associations attended the event. Mr. Syllouris has been named honorary President of the Cyprus Chefs Association.

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